
Under New Management!

Race Car Replicas is known as the company that makes some of the most beautiful and accurate vintage race cars available. Their trademark is a super-stiff aluminum monocoque frame that...

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New Year, New Direction

There are lots of changes in store for us as we head into the New Year and New Decade. While the new bodywork for the CFR Catfish has been made,...

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Laguna Seca 2017

Perfect weather and great friends were what made up this weekend at Laguna Seca. The cars ran perfect, and we were able to take lots of people out for hot...

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The CFR takes shape

When the Catfish was still just an idea, the plan was to make two or three cars for the people involved in making the car--no more. Building a one-off car...

On by Cord Bauer 0 Comments

House Cat Update

While it's now officially the season for shopping and egg-nogging with co-workers, we're trying to move forward with the House Cat. The build is getting close--very close--to the point where...

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House Cat

The House Cat is coming along, and like most ground-up builds the build motto is, "hurry up and wait." All of the major parts are in the shop or on...

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Naked Cat Spotted

While the Naked version of the Catfish is available, it's not yet on the "menu". That's because some of the details of the car are still being worked out. The...

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